- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment (5)03/19/2019
- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment (4)03/19/2019
- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment (3)03/14/2019
- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment (2)03/13/2019
- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment(1)03/11/2019
- Residual stress in a 3D carbon-carbon composite (2)03/08/2019
- Residual stress in a 3D carbon-carbon composite (1)03/07/2019
- Radiation damage study of graphite and C/C composite target materials (2)03/06/2019
- Radiation damage study of graphite and C/C composite target materials (1)03/05/2019
- Tribological behavior of fast-carbonizad carbon/carbon composite (4)03/04/2019
- Tribological behavior of fast-carbonizad carbon/carbon composite (3)03/01/2019
- Tribological behavior of fast-carbonizad carbon/carbon composite (2)02/28/2019
- Tribological behavior of fast-carbonizad carbon/carbon composite (1)02/27/2019
- Preparation C/C composite throat insert woven with axial carbon rods (4)02/25/2019
- Preparation C/C composite throat insert woven with axial carbon rods (3)02/22/2019
- Preparation C/C composite throat insert woven with axial carbon rods (2)02/21/2019
- Preparation C/C composite throat insert woven with axial carbon rods (1)02/20/2019
- Modelling of carbon-carbon composite ablation in rocket nozzles (8)02/19/2019
- Modelling of carbon-carbon composite ablation in rocket nozzles (7)02/18/2019
- Modelling of carbon-carbon composite ablation in rocket nozzles (6)02/15/2019