- Oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of a 2D C/C composite (5)08/07/2019
- Oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of a 2D C/C composite (4)06/20/2019
- Oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of a 2D C/C composite (3)06/13/2019
- Oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of a 2D C/C composite (2)06/10/2019
- Oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of a 2D C/C composite (1)06/04/2019
- Characterizaton of Brazed joints of C-C composite to Cu-clad-Mo (5)05/17/2019
- Characterizaton of Brazed joints of C-C composite to Cu-clad-Mo (4)05/14/2019
- Characterizaton of Brazed joints of C-C composite to Cu-clad-Mo (3)05/08/2019
- Characterizaton of Brazed joints of C-C composite to Cu-clad-Mo (2)04/30/2019
- Characterizaton of Brazed joints of C-C composite to Cu-clad-Mo (1)04/23/2019
- An chemical kinetic model for the C/C composite pyrolysis process (2)04/17/2019
- An chemical kinetic model for the C/C composite pyrolysis process (1)04/16/2019
- Surface effect on braking behavior of PAN-pitch C-C composite(5)04/09/2019
- Surface effect on braking behavior of PAN-pitch C-C composite(4)04/08/2019
- Surface effect on braking behavior of PAN-pitch C-C composite(3)04/03/2019
- Surface effect on braking behavior of PAN-pitch C-C composite(2)04/02/2019
- Surface effect on braking behavior of PAN-pitch C-C composite (1)04/01/2019
- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment (8)03/28/2019
- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment (7)03/26/2019
- Differential sputtering behavior of PG & C/C under Xenon bombardment (6)03/21/2019